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- Google Developers Student Club
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- Tech for Need
- Code Decode
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- Chitra Rekha
- Clydex
Journal Club
Priyatosh Ranjan
Journal club is to promote awareness about science and technology; and to expose students to various ideas of science and technology. Journal club presents opportunities for the Students to gather and discuss recent publications from various research/ review papers and innovative research stories. Also, Journal club is to make the students develop their interest in the field of Science and also to provide them a platform to showcase their talent as budding scientists and researchers of the future. Students are encouraged to participate in activities that create leadership opportunities, build knowledge, and create a love for science and technology.
The vision of the Journal club is to promote awareness about science and technology and to expose them to various ideas of science and technology. Journal club presents opportunities for the Students and Faculty to gather and discuss recent publications from various research/review papers and innovative research stories.
The Mission of the Journal club is to make students develop their interest in the field of Science and also to provide them a platform to showcase their talent as budding scientists and researchers of the future, and also to awaken the spirit of Science. Students are encouraged to participate in activities that create leadership opportunities, build knowledge, and create a love for science and technology.
Two sessions will be organized in a month -
- 1st Session - Regular session
- 2nd Session - Regular/Special session (Guest speakers/virtual tours of scientific exhibitions, etc)
For now, the club is open to the school of biosciences and bioengineering and Engineering and technology.
Responsibilities of the faculty advisor:
- To pass on important information/permissions to the higher authorities.
- To invite and/or suggest guest lecturers for the special sessions.
- Regularly attend meetings.
- He/she will have the sole right to change the session timings, convener, co- convener, and admin members, etc at any point in time.
Responsibilities of the Convener/Co-convener:
- Organizing and facilitating the meetings
- To ensure that the code of conduct is not violated.
- Supervising the works of the admin members.
- Ensuring that only proper and relevant information is being passed on.
- Collection of Presenter evaluation/Feedback via Google form.
Responsibilities of the Admin members:
- Circulating information, flyers, posters, etc
- Making it safe for members to openly voice their thoughts and opinions.
- Generating excitement and encouraging active participation.
- Maintaining the following documents like attendance sheet, feedback form
- Being connected to convener and co-convener always.
Responsibilities of the presenter:
- Send the chosen paper(s) to the faculty advisor, convener, or co-convener for confirmation at least 3 days before the presentation.
- Introduce yourself about 5 minutes before the presentation.
- Presentation time should not exceed more than 30-35 minutes
- Follow the guidelines sent by the Convener/Co-Convener properly while presenting.
- Advisor, Convener, and Co-Convener will be re-appointed after each semester (6 months).
- Admin members can be reappointed at any time.
- For the first six months (for this semester) Convener and Co-Convener will be appointed based on votes. Which has been done already
- After every presentation, feedback will be taken from all the participants. Based on which, the first and second-best presenters will be declared.
- Its compulsory that session should take place in the presence of alteast one convener.
- The session will not exceed the specified time limit.
- The sessions will be held virtually on Google meet until the university starts working offline.
- Late entries will not be entertained.
- Everything that goes on air should get approved by the faculty advisor and/or convener.
- The two best presenters will be awarded every six months.
- The presenters will have to send their chosen articles/papers to the Advisor for confirmation.
- Presenter's forum - Here presenters will have to present a ppt on the research paper(s)/original article of their choice.
- Discussion forum - Here everyone in the meet is encouraged to put forth their ideas and discuss further.
- Take-aways - Notes from the leaders and presenter.
- NOT more than an hour (presentation for 35mins +discussion)
Mehfil Club
4th August 2020
Poetry, Music-Singing, Dancing, and open mic sessions, Working on publishing a book/Magazine, Planning events
Google Developers Student Club
Google Developer Student’s Club -
An intersection of innovation, collaboration, and boundless creativity. -
It’s a dynamic and inclusive community that brings together aspiring developers, tech enthusiasts, and forward-thinking individuals eager to explore the vast universe of technology and its limitless possibilities. In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, GDSC serves as a launchpad for students who aspire to harness the power of Google's cutting-edge technologies and platforms.
Revolves around fostering a vibrant and inclusive community of students passionate about technology and innovation. As an official Google program, GDSCs aspire to maintain a strong connection with Google by collaborating with Google in organizing events, accessing Google technologies and resources, and contributing to the broader tech ecosystem.
Know us at - https://gdsc.community.dev/
Mail us at - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
DM us at - https://www.instagram.com/gdscdypiu/
Watch us at - https://www.youtube.com/@gdscdypiu7065
Follow us at - https://www.linkedin.com/company/gdsc-dypiu/
Fri, July 31, 2020
Completed: organizing and executing online competitions, events under the university’s name, promoting teamwork, skill development among club members who participated in the organising of said events.
Planned: Free workshops, field trips, sports activities, term elections,club website, reputation points program, Monthly leaderboard for reputation points, etc.
Founding Team (Admin council)
Speaker event series, business model competitions, management case study analysis, weekly newsletters on management
1. Symposium On "Digital Disruption in Business and Innovation" dated 26th -27th September 2022. Guest Name: Dr. Prashant Pansare, CEO, Rubiscape Pvt. Ltd. , Dr. Naresh kumar Harale, Vice President-Cyber Security, Reserve Bank Information technology (ReBIT)., Dr. Ravindra Utgikar, Vice President - Corporate Strategy & Marketing. Praj Industries Ltd. Link: https://www.dypiu.ac.in/upcoming-events/176-school-of-commerce-and-management-student-symposium-on-digital-disruption-in-business-and-innovation.
2. Online Guest Lecture/Webinar on ""Building Your Own Start-up: Opportunities & Challenges For Young Indians"" dated: 22/1/2022. GuestName: MR ANSHUMAN AGRAWAL, (FOUNDER & CEO), MINIMAC SYSTEMS PVT. LTD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fgPNSyFSwo&t=12s
3. Online Guest Lecture/Webinar on ""Awareness of Share Market: Technical & Fundamental analysis"", Guest Name: Ms Ruchika Shinde (Managing Partner at Pheonix Share Market) Dated 26/02/2022. https://youtu.be/z0A_XRAXj8w 4. Online Guest Lecture on ""Changing role of HR "" Guest Name: Ms Meena Kulkarni Maam , Head HR ,IR, Administration & EHS at AQ Mechanical & Electrical Manufacturing India Pvt Ltd, Dated 12/2/2022. Join with Google Meet : meet.google.com/vej-qgdm-gjb
4. Offline Guest lecture "" What we expect in your first few years of corporate life and how can you prepare for it?"" Guest Name: Mr. Hrishikesg Joshi, Senior Director-InteHigent Automation in WNS. Dated: 9/4/2022. Offline and online
5. Online Guest Lecture on ""The Art of Influencing "" Guest Name: Ms. Pallavi Gupta, DGM-HR, Jone Deere, Dated: 9/4/2022. Offline and online.
6. WORKSHOP ON “USE OF EXCEL IN MANAGEMENT COURSES: AN ORIENTATION PROGRAM"", Guest Name: Mr. Sandeep Shelke (Regional Marketing Lead - West Region at Godrej Agrovet Limited), dated: 25/7/2022.
7. Coordinated WORKSHOP SERIES ON “INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP” Dated on 23rd April 2022. Prof. Vinayak Sathe (Professor of Practice, DYPIU SCSEAA-Akurdi).
Event Report of Ignite & Interact 2024
Film & Photography
Monthly Private Film Screening and Discussion for Club Members
Lecture Sessions - Guest Speaker
Photography Exhibition
Tech for Need
Designing problem statements to be solved by digital fabrication; Finding the solutions by designing and fabricating; Organising workshops for digital fabrication
Code Decode
If you are someone passionate and hungry for coding, you are at the right place!
Coding and decoding are two sides of a coin, CodeDecode DYPIU provide a hands-on approach to the students so they can broaden their vision and knowledge of Competitive Programming. It will help students express their opinions to a group and achieve goals working in teams. In the future, students would start enjoying coding and will play it as a hobby. Visits from professional guest lecturers will provide them inspiration and fun opportunities to explore this genre. It will be a great way for the students to learn DSA skills and enjoy doing an activity that will be highly beneficial for them. We will get to meet more students from our college and different chapters with different ideas and approaches which will help us expand our knowledge. We help students improve their programming skills at D Y Patil International University, Akurdi, Pune.
To provide a hands-on approach to the students so they can broaden their vision and knowledge of Programming and promote programming as a sport among students. Our main focus is helping students with competitive programming and DSA.
Advantages of Competitive Programming:
- Helps improve logic and problem solving skills
- Hands on implementation of algorithms learned
- Lab assignments will seem to you like a piece of cake
- Make you placement ready
- Good salary!
Advantages of joining the club:
- privy to a coding culture, unlike anything you have ever seen before,
- interact with a bunch of coding fanatics
- take your coding skills to another level
- We provide opportunities and exposure to students on the campus
- Interactive Workshops
- Speaker sessions
- Daily Problem Solving and Discussion
- DSA Learning Sessions/ Workshops
- Upsolving Sessions for Monthly Contests
- Programming Contests
- Peer learning circles
- Meetups
- Other outreach events e.g. social media campaigns for building community
The Team consists of 19 Executive Team Members & 4 Core Members who are the Leaders of this Club
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Follow our official LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codedecodedypiu
Follow us on Instagram!: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck0m_9ePMap/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Do Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@codedecodedypiu1646
Alpha.0 - The launch event of Venn, the one that gave a glimpse of what we stand for and aim to achieve. We conducted a series of interactive activities which encouraged the participants to push themselves out of their comfort zones and establish new relations and connections with their peers.
Alpha.1 - This event was aimed at providing FY students with insights (both academic and others) gained by the seniors throughout their journey. The students were provided with information on various personal and academic management & organisational tools such as Notion, Miro, Obsidian etc. This was followed by an interesting and interactive session about incorporating passion and excitement into everything that one does. Well performing seniors (academics & extra curricular) from all courses, shed some light on things they wished they knew at the beginning of their journey.
Alpha.2 - A collaborative event with U25 DYPIU aimed at encouraging students to be more open and confident in their skills while emphasising on various aspects such as public speaking, creativity and communication to develop themselves further as also to think outside the box. Various interactive activities highlighting the importance of communication as an individual and as a team/group were conducted, leaving students with a lot more confidence and a pathway to improve.
Sciverse - The club and its members participated in Sciverse, a 2 day celebration of science, organised by Scinion. Various projects made by our members, such as Ultrasonic Gesture Control on laptops, Rock Paper Scissors playing robo, ARC.9 - a retro gaming console and a chance to explore the world of Virtual Reality were presented at this fest.